To celebrate more than 500 votes of support for my Winter Ice Flowers project on LEGO’s Ideas platform, here’s a recolored version of the pink umbrella flowers in the original build — this time in transparent purple and green! Which one do you prefer?

For this version, I also rebuilt the white stem with the same pieces in a different configuration, for a taller, more upright form. I remixed the smaller and larger buds in a different way, for more variation. Aside from changing the colors, I didn’t add any new pieces, so I think of these as “builder’s choice” variations.

I chose the lower, drooping build for the final version of my Idea, since I thought it filled the space in the arrangement better. And I chose the pink umbrella flowers to give the arrangement more colors overall, since I already had purple in the gem globe flowers. But I do really love the combination of transparent purple and transparent bright green!

Comments are closed for this blog, but you can let me know which you like better in the Ideas comments here!
See more about my Winter Ice Flowers Idea here!